방진필터 체결로 입자상 물질과 기체성 유해물질
흡입을 동시에 차단하여 호흡기 보호

방독방진겸용 마스크



Low inhalation resistance and high efficiency
It can be used even in the place where particles and
gases are mixed as it is Combined with dust-proof filter



  1. Check whether the mask is approved by the certification organization through the pass mark and pass number.
  2. Select a canister of gas mask which is suitable for the type of hazardous substance generated in the workplace.
  3. Choose a mask of which shape and dimension are suitable to the operator's face.
  4. If the work place where harmful substances occur has insufficient natural ventilation or it is enclosed space, check whether oxygen concentration is 18% or more, then work with a canister mask and continue ventilation by using a blower
  5. Secure spare canister and ensure the replacement anytime.
  • Ergonomic

    Advanced soft LSR(Liquid Silicon Rubber) give a smoother feel in harsh work site

  • Stability

    Length adjustment strap that is comfortable with or without safety helmet

  • Technology

    Low breathing resistance and high efficient dust filter combined to be used in worksites with both dust and gas/vapor

DOBU MASK Guide ▶︎

Product List

DOBU Inc. Head Office 38-3 & 38-6, Hoean-daero, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea | TEL. +82-31-365-3350 | FAX. +82-31-365-3415